Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Star wars: Force unleashed

So I played this game one last time on "Sith" mode (Aka "you got to be kidding/me crazy hard") after doing the previous 2 difficulties earlier. I ended up dying quite a few times as expected, most of the time it was due to blaster fire coming in from all directions and those darn Purge Troopers. I found a lot of new force powers that work MUCH better than the other difficulties. Some of which makes boss levels very easy if done correctly. At the end I almost had all of my stats completely full which is a first, probably because most levels I re-started and it carried over points from last death.

The most difficult parts were defeating Proxy (the trusty robot) and the Emperor. With Proxy I finally defeated, when he goes into his final stage, with using a specific combo, S-S-S-O (PS3: s=square, o=O) which force slams the ground and sends Proxy to the ground where he is most vulnerable. I didnt get hit once I got into that combo sequence.
Darth Vader was a pain, but using dash and push to stun and saber slam (lightning saber attack) I was able to get him quickly.
The emperor I probably spent > 2 hours trying to figure out how to defeat, I finally went online and read "attack with Saber after he does his power attacks" which I did but it had a serious side effect... once he puts on a shield and you cant catch it quickly (or you're in a middle of a combo) your life goes from >80% to <10% instantly. After trying this multiple times, since it was suggested, I gave up on it and tried different things (like lightning attacks as that worked in the past) but without success. I finally found the perfect combo, lightning attack and defense! No joke. Lightning attack does a little damage (using that strictly gets him to 50% before getting roasted) but the next step is critical to surviving and is very simple. When he attacks with the lightning let it hit you for a brief time, then block. The block will raise the saber up and capture the lightning (taking the damage away from you) and feedback it to the Emperor. Repeat this as soon as the feedback gets to him, let lightning hit you and then block... repeat. I usually got 3 of these backfires before he starts to throw stuff or send in help. My life never went below 80% when I did this. Key is never attack directly with the saber like they say online when in Sith mode or you will never "defeat" him.

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