Friday, August 28, 2009

Upgrade to my phone

So way back in march I got a HTC (Fuze) Touch Pro and have since 'modified' the original behavior. I finally moved away from the stock rom that the phone came with. Last night I upgraded to a new rom with a new OS version and I have to say one thing: why didn't I do this before? Besides the obvious answer that the custom roms were buggy and WM 6.5 was very beta I'm not sure why. Now 6.5 is more stable and cooked roms are better than ever.

I upgraded to a rom from ShEp found over at xda developers. This upgrade has improved the performance of the phone by at least 4x, things respond faster and even better I have more ram and rom available to me! Another surprising benefit seems that battery life remains about the same as my tweaked ATT rom, maybe better but too early to tell.

So you've heard of this 'MyFi' stuff from verizon huh? Think it's snazy that this is a mobile hotspot? Well I got that as well in my phone :) While I don't have the 'teathering' plan which is an arm+leg more I can use my phone to connect my laptop in emergencies (say @ airport and flight gets canceled) or comca$t goes down or is slower than dialup again... Yes I'm bitter about it. They probably aren't fixing it because they know our whole street will go to fios once installed.

Never again will I use an ATT rom and have the ability to use Windows Mobile!

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